U.S.A Pro Level Surf Spots
Pro Level Surf Spots

One of the top surfing spots in California, if not the entire United States, is undoubtedly Santa Cruz. For those who are more experienced, Cowell’s Beach is a step up from Pleasure Point and Capitola Beach. Further south, it is simple to understand why Huntington Beach, California, is known as Surf City USA. It has 16 kilometers of unbroken shoreline and reliable year-round surf. Huntington Beach has hosted multiple annual surfing competitions, including the esteemed US Open of Surfing and NSSA Championships, since Duke Kahanamoku first paddled there in 1922. Due to its combination of history and status as a global center of surf culture, it continues to be one of the most well-known surf places in the world.
Pro Level
Professional surfers can use the entire surfing skillset available to them and are at ease in all kinds of waves. At this level of surfing, the surfer does a few aerial tricks and reads waves like few others. Pro surfers know how to stall in the barrel to extend their tube time and very seldom wipe out in perfect waist-high waves. With high amplitude body motions and delicate hip and weight shifts, he and she predict how the wave will behave and are consistently in the correct position at the right time.