Philippines Point Break Surf Spots

Are you looking for Philippines Point Break Surf Spots? Below you find the best way to discover them via the world's most advanced filter application for surf spots.
Point Break Surf Spots

Point Break Surf Spots

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Beach Break
Point Break
Reef Break
Standing Wave
Wave Pool
Difficulty / Minimum Skill Level:
Advanced Level
Beginner Level
Intermediate Level
Pro Level
Works best during:
High Tide
Low Tide
Mid Tide
Left Hand Wave
Right Hand Wave
Works best with:
East Wind
North Wind
Northeast Wind
Northwest Wind
South Wind
Southeast Wind
Southwest Wind
West Wind
Works best with:
East Swell
North Swell
Northeast Swell
Northwest Swell
South Swell
Southeast Swell
Southwest Swell
West Swell


In the Philippines you will find enough waves for advanced surfers, like the most prominent surf spot Cloud 9 on the island Siargao. But there are definitely enough beginner and intermediate spots as well and you can surf in almost every part of the Philippines. You will find a big mix of reef and beach breaks. Many beach breaks can be found in Baler, Zambales and La Union.

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Point Break

At a point break, the shoreline juts out into the water to form a headland. A wave that is lengthy, well-formed, and unlikely to close out or break in front of itself is created when a wave strikes a headland or pier and starts to peel down the extended shoreline. Point breaks typically only have one takeoff point and only travel in one direction, so you might have to wait in line to catch a wave. At these specific surf spots, quality prevails over quantity.

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