Surfing Turns (Bottom Turn, Top Turn, Cutback)

Surfing turns are fundamental maneuvers that surfers use to navigate the wave and control their direction on the wave. There are several types of turns, each serving a different purpose and contributing to the overall experience of riding a wave.

Surfing Bottom Turns

This is usually the first turn after dropping into the wave. It helps surfers gain speed and set up for other maneuvers.

To surf a bottom turn, Surfers compress towards the wave face and initiate a turn at the bottom of the wave, using the wave’s energy to generate speed.

Surfing Top Turns

This is often the second turn after a bottom turn, to change direction at the top of the wave and maintain flow across the wave face.

Surfers carve a turn at the top of the wave, redirecting their board back down the face of the wave.

Surfing Cutbacks

Surfing Carve Turns

A carve turn is a smooth, flowing turn that emphasizes style and control.

Surfers lean into a turn, using the rails of the board to carve a wide arc across the face of the wave. Put your rear foot as far back as possible to perform a carving turn more narrow/radical. John John Florence is one of the pro surfers whose surfing style is well-associated with those types of turns in perfection.

Surfing Snap Turns (Snaps)

Surfing a snap turn is to quickly change direction, often performed in critical sections of the wave.

Surfers use a quick and powerful turn, snapping the board off the lip or in the pocket of the wave.

Surfing Floaters

Surfing a floater means to ride over a section of the wave that is breaking or to gain speed.

Surfers ride up and over the breaking section of the wave, keeping the board on the surface.

Surfing a Re-Entry

To perform a turn on the lip of the wave.

Surfers hit the lip of the wave with their board and then bring it back down, maintaining control.

360 or Full Rotation

To perform a complete spin on the wave.

Advanced surfers execute a full rotation on the wave, either on the face or in the air, showcasing technical skill.




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