Nudie Jeans Lean Dean Johan Replica Mid Waist Slim Tapered Fit Men’s Organic Jeans W31/L30 Sustainable Denim
Nudie Jeans 112535112535-L30-W31
We do a bunch of different washes, some plain and others more intricate – or authentic, as we like to say. The ones we call our “replicas” are, however, in a category by themselves. These washes are so close to their original reference that they are nothing less than a replication of their worn and torn original. When a replica is made, it is made by the best wash-artisans at the best denim laundries we know. It is a process of precision and perfectionism that we value highly and the result is the top tier of our washes. This is a replica of Johan’s jeans made in our slim, tapered, fit Lean Dean. It is made in one of our favorite black denim fabrics and these replicas very well show why we love it so much – it has a nice yarn slub and the yarns has a white core that gives the jeans their clean grey tone. Just as Johan’s jeans these have sharp yet muted wear-marks that in some areas are roughed up. At the knees, the holes have been repaired by darning over black denim patches on the inside of the jeans – a durable and beautiful way of repairing black denim. With wearing and washing, these jeans will continue to evolve. So, over time you will leave your own mark, and these jeans will become a hybrid of yours and Johan’s wear.